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Another amazing edit!

Hey weevs

Superweevil141 here with another edit!  This time its a party at club fling looking like a funky drawing.


Hope you like it and as always keep weeviling!

BeFunky_Bw info card.png


New post ending pic!

Howdy guys

Its here! I have made an “BW info card post ending picture ” which is a edit of the card that pops up when you click a weevil in the binscape and I made it from google chrome with Befunky photo editor app. This pic is for when I end a post and soon I will make one for specific things like BW videos or Whats New Blog posts.Also I will make some for other staff once we have some and once I learn how to do it. Another reason I will change it is when I change my look even though I might forget. Now the moment you’ve been waiting for, this is my hard worked edit:

BeFunky_Bw info card.png

Hope you like it.

Happy weeviling!

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A Bin Weevils fan blog run by Superweevil141 made to help your weevily needs & inform you the latest gossip.

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